Shadows is a collection based on the drawing techniques of graphic novels Akira and Watchmen. Deconstructing how they visualise and depict different types of fabric, clothing and light, then translating it back into 3D, tactical form.
Exploring the illustration and printing techniques used in the novels and applying them throughout the collection. Using a mixture of hand and digitally printed fabrics, as well as colour blocking and layering to create both depth and graphical flatness within the pieces.
The silhouettes are all based off clothing styles worn in both books. Working with the silhouettes and materials to imitate the sharp, defined lines of the illustrations, by using dense matte fabrics with no grain or texture to created clean folds and suede to mimic dense ink soaked pulp paper.
Exploring the illustration and printing techniques used in the novels and applying them throughout the collection. Using a mixture of hand and digitally printed fabrics, as well as colour blocking and layering to create both depth and graphical flatness within the pieces.
The silhouettes are all based off clothing styles worn in both books. Working with the silhouettes and materials to imitate the sharp, defined lines of the illustrations, by using dense matte fabrics with no grain or texture to created clean folds and suede to mimic dense ink soaked pulp paper.

All photographs, styling and content by Paisley Fried unless stated.